Ways to support your volunteer firefighters
Participate in our biggest fundraiser of the year and you could get lucky!
Enter our non-profit raffle
Great odds! A total of 500 tickets are available through online purchase, for a total of 1,600 tickets sold. Many prizes available. The non-profit raffle draw will occur during our 34th Annual Benefit BBQ in Belmont, TX on September 28th at 7:30 PM in front of a live audience. No need to be present to win!
Help Raise Funds & Donate
Our fire department is entirely funded by the Emergency Service Fire District No. 1 in Gonzales, Federal and State Grants, community and private donations. We rely on our community's support to continue providing emergency services to all those in need. Your donation will go towards training and the purchase of improved and safer equipment for our fire department and firefighters.